Private or Incentive Tour

1. Please put your information.

Vehicle Type :
Vehicle Type
Tour Date :
Tour Date
  • Date
No. of Persons :
No. of Persons
E-mail :
Name(Lead) :
Contact Number :
Contact Number
Nationality :
Item :
Group personality :
Group personality
Sightseeing spots you definitely want to visit :
Sightseeing spots you definitely want to visit
Remarks :

2. Agree to the terms of Service and privacy policy.

Agree to the terms of Service and privacy policy.

1) Purpose of collecting personal information.

- Booking Search, Confirmation, Progress, Modification.

2) Required information.

- Essential information : Name, E-mail, Phone Number

- Optional information : Nationality, Accommodation.

3) Term of using the information.

- The period based on relational statute (preserved after finalizing bookings.)

- Your privacy data will be preserved even after finalizing the booking, the privacy data shall be used to search reservations based on your request and then it will be dissipated when the date issued by relational statute is overdue.