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Q. Title
Sylvia G...
Date :
2024-08-06 02:05:41
Name :
Sylvia G...
I am staying EAST of the island (1 hour away) and will travel to pick up the tour. Is the parking at the lotte hotel free and easy? or what is the easiest pick up point?
Date :
2024-08-06 06:40:04
Staff :
Tel : +82-64-713-5505 (Korean/English) +82-64-713-1456 (China/Japan) 400-777-0050 (全国统一预订咨询电话)
business hours : 8:30am~5:30pm (Mon ~ Sat)
Parking fees at Lotte Hotel are expensive.
If you come to Ocean Suites Hotel, there is a public parking lot a minute away, and the parking fee is 10,000 KRW per day.
You can park there and walk to Ocean Suites.
Please be there by 8:30. Thank you.
Parking lot address:
4, Tapdong-ro 2-gil, Jeju-si
제주특별자치도 제주시 삼도이동 1263
(도로명 주소: 탑동로2길 4)